The Best Is Yet To Come

Romans 12:1

I appeal to you therefore family, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

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When You Least Expect Him

Date: Sep 01, 2024
Speaker: Pastor Dan Jones

A Message From our Pastor

Welcome Friends!

There is nothing better than having your spiritual belly filled until you can’t eat anymore! Life is tough! We all have experienced the Spiritual Food Desert. Have you ever prayed, and it felt like heaven was a brass ceiling? Have you ever needed nourishment that can only come from God? We believe that when you worship God Almighty, the table is set, and fulfillment is on the way! So, let me invite you like my mom would invite the kids in for the evening meal, “It’s Supper Time, Come And Get It!”

Monday-Friday 10:30AM-2PM
Held in the Welcome Center

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